After all the craziness of the holidays and then getting
home and going straight to a Jazz game 1 day later we had everyone come back to
us for Keegan’s blessing! Terry gave Keegan a beautiful blessing on December 30th.
Poor Terry was SO sick! We were even going to cancel it that morning but
decided to go ahead because it was really important to us that we bless him in
Pocatello. It was our own little miracle that Ter didn’t pass out during the
blessing. Right after the blessing Ter went home and went right to bed (and was
sick for like the next 4 days poor guy!). Everyone came back to the apartment
for some lunch. It was a pretty quick trip for everyone and I feel so bad we
didn’t get any pictures with anyone who came so Keegan when you look back at
this and wonder why no one came I promise your family was there and that they
all love you so much! You are such an amazing addition to our little family and
we are so glad that you are ours-we love you! Oh and you wore the same blessing
outfit as your brother and looked so handsome!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
We got home on Thursday and then on Friday Cheryl came up to
watch Bryker so that we could run away to a Jazz game with Kaylee and Nick. We
had such a great day! We drove separately and it was so nice to have more than
just 5 minutes at night to sit and talk with Ter. We headed straight to the
brand new City Creek Mall and got our shop on! Ter and Nick did laps with the
babies in their strollers while Kaylee and I got lost in Forever 21 and H &
M. I seriously love Kaylee to death! Not only is she the greatest shopping
partner but such an amazing friend. I feel so blessed that we ended up at the
Grove apartments and got to have such great friends as Nick and Kaylee. They
are so special to us and I hope so bad that we can keep our friendship strong!
After the mall we met up with Kaylee’s cousin Paige and her
boyfriend and went to Tucano’s for the best dinner ever-holy smokes that place
is delicious! For whoever is reading this stop right now and go get some of
their lemonade! Before dinner we had gone back to the car and got all of our
stuff for the game. Kaylee had brought Jazz jerseys for Ter and I which was
pretty fun-I felt like a legit Jazz fan :) which I think I am now thanks to the
awesome time we had.
We had awesome seats and got to watch a pretty great game (they
ended up losing right at the end though dang it!). Both Jemma and Keegan did {amazing}
throughout the whole game. I had Keeg in a sling and he really didn’t make a
peep the whole time-he wins the best baby ever award!
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Jemma has got to be 1 of my boys' future wife so that Kaylee and I will be related! I love that girl! |

This was kind of our last hoorah with Kaylee and Nick before we move and it
makes me sad to even write that. I really can say that their friendship was 1
of the very best things about being in Pocatello-can’t wait for our Jazz game
trip next year! We love you Soderquists!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Catching up
While we were home for Christmas I was able to get together with Maureena and Nicole and catch up. I can't believe that we have been out of highschool for 6 years and all the changes that have happened. Nicole is in law school and Maureena is married and has the cutest little girl, Hadlee. These girls are so dear to me and I am so thankful that we can still get together and pick up where we left off! I love you both!
Christmas with the Haneys
It was my parents turn for us to spend Christmas with them so after a little stop in Raft River we headed to Filer to keep the party going! We got there Sunday afternoon and then that evening we went and saw the lights in the South Hills. It was freezing-but worth it since this was the last year they were doing the lights at that spot! I'm not sure Bryke really cared but now we can at least tell him he saw them :)
Christmas morning was so great! I think Ter and I were both way more excited to see Bryke open his presents and he didn't disappoint. We got a video of him opening the pan we got him and he opens it and says, "A pan!" like it is a million bucks it is the cutest thing ever! The boys got spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa and their cousins and Ter spoiled me-thanks sweetie! Laura and Ryan and their families came out later in the afternoon and then it was chaos with all the kids but they had a blast (in between the fights) playing with all their new toys. I think sharing and no pushing are going to be our theme for the new year :) It was so great to be together with everyone-we love you all! Thanks for spoiling us rotten and just being the greatest family I could ask for!
Wednesday we shipped Bryke off to Aunt Jill's where he had his first sleep over away from Mom and Dad-Jill said he did really well thank heavens! When we live in Filer I think we are going to have to make this happen a little more :) We picked him up and headed back to Pocatello on Thursday for our last leg of the Christmas marathon-a Jazz game!
Most of my Christmas posts are about family, food and presents but we really do know the reason for the season and I am so thankful for the birth of our Savior! We hope your holiday was merry and bright!
Christmas morning was so great! I think Ter and I were both way more excited to see Bryke open his presents and he didn't disappoint. We got a video of him opening the pan we got him and he opens it and says, "A pan!" like it is a million bucks it is the cutest thing ever! The boys got spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa and their cousins and Ter spoiled me-thanks sweetie! Laura and Ryan and their families came out later in the afternoon and then it was chaos with all the kids but they had a blast (in between the fights) playing with all their new toys. I think sharing and no pushing are going to be our theme for the new year :) It was so great to be together with everyone-we love you all! Thanks for spoiling us rotten and just being the greatest family I could ask for!
Wednesday we shipped Bryke off to Aunt Jill's where he had his first sleep over away from Mom and Dad-Jill said he did really well thank heavens! When we live in Filer I think we are going to have to make this happen a little more :) We picked him up and headed back to Pocatello on Thursday for our last leg of the Christmas marathon-a Jazz game!
Most of my Christmas posts are about family, food and presents but we really do know the reason for the season and I am so thankful for the birth of our Savior! We hope your holiday was merry and bright!
Christmas with the Darringtons
We packed up what seemed like our whole house and started our Holiday marathon celebration in Raft River on Friday night. We had the whole family there, which means 8 little ones running crazy! Needless to say the house is a zoo :) but we wouldn't have it any other way! I absolutely love it that my boys are going to get to see their cousins pretty regularly (at least I really hope they are able to). I wasn't really close with any of my cousins growing up and Ter grew up right down the road from all of his so hopefully we can find middle ground and live close enough to see everyone often.
We had a great time skeet shooting, eating Marianne's amazing caramels and chocolates, making and decorating cookies, loving on babies and opening presents! We draw names every year and it is always so much fun to see what everyone gets for one another.We had a yummy Christmas lunch and then just hungout and ended the night with an intense game of Cranium-we'll get you next time Vanessa, Marianne and Nicole!
We took off Sunday morning for Filer (we went that early because we thought Oaklee was getting blessed but it got postponed). Thanks for a great start to our holiday-we love you all!
We had a great time skeet shooting, eating Marianne's amazing caramels and chocolates, making and decorating cookies, loving on babies and opening presents! We draw names every year and it is always so much fun to see what everyone gets for one another.We had a yummy Christmas lunch and then just hungout and ended the night with an intense game of Cranium-we'll get you next time Vanessa, Marianne and Nicole!
We took off Sunday morning for Filer (we went that early because we thought Oaklee was getting blessed but it got postponed). Thanks for a great start to our holiday-we love you all!
8 very lucky little ones to have such amazing grandparents! |
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We tried putting the 6 oldest in Grandma's giant tub-any more kids and we're gonna need a swimming pool for bath time! |
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Keegan 1 month
Make time slow down-our baby is already a month old! Everybody says it but really where does time go? I remember with Bryke thinking I can't wait until he can do this or that and now with Keegan I am just like stop don't grow up stay little!! Making the transition to 2 kids hasn't been as crazy as I thought it be and that's probably because Keegan is such a good baby! Here are some things to remember from his first month:
-had his first outings to DI (have to start the thrifting young), the library and his first restaurant was Butterbur's
-sleeps ALL day long and then wakes up quite a bit at night (need to work on switching our days and nights)
-takes his mimi (what Bryke calls his so it's stuck) really well
-nurses like a champ
-eyes are still blue and we think we might have a red head on our hands
-in size 1 diapers and moving up to 3 month clothes
-weighed 11 lbs at his 2 week appointment
-is loved a whole lot by his big brother which is manifested in head butts and being squished
-is loved a whole lot by Mom and Dad but we show it a little nicer and softer :)
Thanks for being so good for us Keeg and easing us into being the parents of 2 little mr.'s-we love you to the moon and back!
-had his first outings to DI (have to start the thrifting young), the library and his first restaurant was Butterbur's
-sleeps ALL day long and then wakes up quite a bit at night (need to work on switching our days and nights)
-takes his mimi (what Bryke calls his so it's stuck) really well
-nurses like a champ
-eyes are still blue and we think we might have a red head on our hands
-in size 1 diapers and moving up to 3 month clothes
-weighed 11 lbs at his 2 week appointment
-is loved a whole lot by his big brother which is manifested in head butts and being squished
-is loved a whole lot by Mom and Dad but we show it a little nicer and softer :)
Thanks for being so good for us Keeg and easing us into being the parents of 2 little mr.'s-we love you to the moon and back!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Keegan's first bath
Keegan's cord fell off which means he is a 'real' baby now which means bath time!! He had his first bath yesterday with lots of help from big brother. Keegan wasn't so sure about it all at first but he calmed right down and did just fine. Bryker's first bath was awful so he definitely did a little better. Maybe mom and dad just know a little more this time around :)
Life Lately
These pictures say it all-my boys are the luckiest to have Ter for their dad! He is such an amazing father-thanks for being the greatest honey! (the last picture is my favorite! Ter was just as into Toy Story as Bryke was :)...)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Webb Christmas Party
On Saturday we loaded the boys up and headed to Raft River for the annual Webb Christmas party. I didn't get any pictures of the party this year except for this one of our family. It was so fun to go and have Bryke be able to run around with all of his cousins and 2nd cousins and to show Keegan off :) I'm so thankful that I married into a family where family and getting together is so important!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Bath time fun
Thank you Pinterest for this fun idea-Bryke loves it! It's just shaving cream and food coloring so it's quick and easy and the best part is we clean it all up with a bath.
Our attempt at a picture of the 3 of us didn't turn out so well :) Me and Keeg get to snuggle while big brother turns paints away-love my boys!
The first time we did it Bryke had his first bubble bath afterwards-isn't that the cutest little bummy ever!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Being a mama to 2 of the sweetest boys ever is without a
doubt the best job ever. Period. It is full of trucks, trains, poop-lots of
poop, Thomas the train, blue and more blue, bob the builder, rocks, football,
basketball, anything with a ball, cuddles, and a whole lot of attitude. There
are moments when I cry just from the amount of the love that I have for my
babies {I moved my pillow and found one of Keegan’s teeny tiny little socks and
it just made me so happy that that little boy is mine} and moments I cry because
I swear if I have to change one more poopy diaper I’m going to die. {Yesterday
I honestly changed 5 poopy diapers in about 5 minutes-at least everything is
working in their little bodies!} I didn’t know it would be this much work or
that it would ever be this rewarding. When Bryker points to the right color or
says two after I say one you would think he had just won the Nobel Prize for
how proud I am! And there is just nothing like having a newborn. The softness
of the top of their head, their tiny toes and fingers, how when he’s hungry and
you kiss his cheek he attacks your face, and the way he cuddles up on my chest
in a little ball. There is just so much to love about my boys. My boys…that is my most favorite thing
to say these days. Basically I just love being a mom. All of the tantrums,
poopy diapers and sleepless are forgotten (well at least put to the back of my
mind) when I think about all of the kisses, cuddles and I love you’s that I get
every day! I love you Bryker and Keegan so much more than I ever thought
possible! Oh and please oh please continue to love each other and be best buds
like you are now! Love, your mama
Our {attempt} at newborn pictures
The hospital came in and did a mini newborn photo shoot and
the pictures were adorable but cost an arm and a leg and after asking around
found out everyone is super expensive! So I let my cheapo habits get the best
of me and decided to try and take some myself with my 100 year old camera-I
have to say I’m a little proud of myself and the way they turned out! Sorry I
didn’t do this with you Bryke!

Our first few weeks
Keegan’s first 2 weeks have flown by! They have been filled with family and friends coming to visit-we are so lucky to have such amazing people in our life! Kenny and Cheryl, my parents and Nicole came and saw us on Monday night. Uncle Casey came early Tuesday morning and Ryan, Kaci and their girls and Jill came and saw us on Tuesday and Laura and her kiddos came on Wednesday. And then Casey and Marianne, Pete and Kendal came on Sunday. It was great to see everyone and show off our little mr. I love the picture of Keeg and Oaklee. She is a month and 2 days older than Keegan and he weighs more than her :) I grow big babies!

Keegan has been such an easy going baby! Bryke’s first
couple weeks were pretty stressful with his jaundice and us being first time
parents. I feel like we at least kind of know what we’re doing the second time
around. Bryke has been so good with Keegan. The first couple nights were rough
on him but now it’s like Keegan has always been here. He tells us, “play baby”
and grabs the boppy and puts it down on the floor so that Keegan can sit down
by him and play with him. He gives him a million kisses a day and is learning
to be gentle with him. It melts my heart to see him love his little brother so
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