Thursday, September 30, 2010

Show and Tell

Like I said before, being a grandma has the perk/curse of some major down time and to fill that time up I have been craftin' away. My mom had the crazy idea to get all the girls together and combine our craftiness to make a booth at the Expo Center Craft Fair at CSI in November-look for the Chickadees booth and you'll find some goodies!! Here's what I've been workin on...
Diaper wipes cases

I Spy Bags filled with treasure

Americana quilt-total cost to make about $6 hours spent working on it=forever!!

Chrysthanthemum pillow-completely made this one from scratch!

Ladybug quilt


Hi nice to meet you...

My name is Mrs. Darrington but you can call me grandma D. I am a 22 year old/87 year old grandma. I spend my days reading, cleaning, sewing or doing puzzles. I’m sure I would love bingo or a knitting group if you know of any. I don’t have 10 cats yet but my sister is trying to get rid of some so that could change fast.

Sad to say but it’s the truth. This not having a job thing is depressing!! I got a few call backs and even did an interview but as the saying goes close but no cigar (not sure if that’s really a saying but I remember it from somewhere). I did get all my substituting stuff worked out and now just have to wait for the calls to come. They call between 8 and 10 at night and from 6 am to 1 pm-I get a little anxious during those times! I should probably just enjoy this time before the baby comes cause I don't think I'll ever have another post like this one again :)

On the bright side though being a grandma with so much free time has its perks-lots of crafts. Pics in the post to come!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Aaaaaannnnnd theeeeerrrreee’ssssss Nothin to see!! (Imagine in the voice of Mr. Ray from Finding Nemo :)

At least I don’t think there is really anything to see. This is a pic of about 17 weeks. I only feel like you can see it after I eat :) Things are much better in the nausea department-thank heavens! We had an appointment yesterday and everything looked great. And da ta da we scheduled our ultrasound to find out what we’re having!! October 4th is the big day and we couldn’t be more excited!!! I am so excited to be able to actually call our little one him or her not just baby or it and to buy and make stuff!!! We’ve got some boy and girl names narrowed down. What do you think of Claire, Madison or Jemma for a girl and Bryker, Carter or Wyatt? I think Wyatt and Claire are front runners right now. The doctor and nurse asked if I’ve felt the baby and I was kinda like umm, I don’t know?! I don’t know what that feels like. So right now I’m saying now but I think I might remember a few flutters-but now I’m on the lookout :)

The last little bit


On Labor Day I think I was for real initiated into the Darrington family. We froze {170} quart bags of corn. This sounds like an easy process, well in my mind it did, and I couldn’t figure out why Terry said we were going to be doing it all day, now I know! They started out picking around 7 am and then we got there to help shuck it then it had to be washed, cooked, blanched (don’t know if that’s the right word) then cut and then bagged. Holy Smokes!!!! And I was only doing the cooking for awhile! Cheryl was telling us stories of when just her and Kenny would do it and they would be up until super early in the morning finishing. It really was a fun day thought just getting to visit and learning how to do everything-thanks mom and dad D!

Trip home=seeing these cute little girls. We have some seriously cute nieces and nephews! Ter does so good with all of them. Mace is a momma’s girl but he got a hold of her and she did just great-he’s a natural!
Mace and Mac-love them!

Terry and Mr. T
This is my sweetie’s new best friend, lovingly named Mr. T. He’s a little creepy but we love him. Terry has just jumped right into school. He usually gets done by 1 or 2 but then he studies for about 4-5 hours EVERY day. I don’t know how he does it but I am {SO} proud of him for how hard he works! I love it when he comes home and is excited about what he is learning-he really is going to be a great OT. Right now he’s in a lab where they cut open cadavers! Can’t believe some of the stuff he tells me-I would definitely be the girl puking in the trash can if I was in that class!

Extreme Home Makeover Came to Pocatello

I saw the bus and everything!! The whole city of Pocatello turned into house stalkers for the week but you couldn’t help but want to see the progress. We went late one night and the next day we went back and everything was completely different. They really do work 24/7. It was a pretty cool process and fun to be a part of even if we were just on the sidelines. I think it airs in December, we’re pretty excited to watch it!

Brown Reunion
During the summer we were busy almost every weekend. For one we went down to Orem for a Brown reunion. It was a reunion for my Grandpa’s siblings and there is only one brother left and I think 2 sister-in-laws. We had a mini Karl Brown reunion within the big one. It was so great to be able to see all of the cousins and their cute kids. We definitely need to get together more often!

While we were in Utah we made the “necessary” stops to Cabela’s and IKEA. I think I’ve had enough of Cabela’s to last me for a very long time but the kids loved the fish and all the animals. Mackie was pretty interested in all the fish Ry was showing her. She is going to be his little fishing buddy someday! IKEA is the coolest store ever!! A little overwhelming but I could spend all day in there! Unfortunately I have to go back soon to take the bedspread I bought back-I'm so sad about having to return the bedspread-not the trip back though!!!

Mom and Laura stayed and went to church with Grandma and Jay. Little family pic minus Zac. She has some of the cutest kids ever! Ha I love Carson’s face.
Darrington Reunion

Reunion numero dos was at the Steadman’s slide. It was so great to be able to meet more of the Darrington’s and hangout with all of Terry’s siblings. His mom was Super-Woman all weekend with all the planning-we love you!! We went to the church and played minute to win it games-Thanks Casey and Marianne! Terry had to keep three balloons up in the air-trickier than it sounds! On Sunday we all loaded up and went out to some pioneers’ graves and the Oregon and California Trail divide. Who would have thought that little old Raft River was so hoppin with history?! I love seeing that kind of stuff. It just takes me back and makes me really grateful for the time I was born in and the blessings that I have.

Cassia County Fair-Round 2

The weekend before Terry started school we took one more little getaway to the Cassia County Fair. I can’t remember if we skipped last year or if this is our second time in a row but anyways we met up with the gang (Browns, Hewards and Eric and his date) to eat dinner and watch the rodeo. I love getting together with this group! 3 out of the 4 girls are prego in the pic (Breawna was such a trooper she was overdue and still came!) Such a blast!
Don't mind the creeper in the background-stinkin' Eric!!